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Aged Care

Sarah Barter works with aged care services to:

  • Meet legislative and regulatory responsibilities under the Aged Care Act, Aged Care Principles, Aged Care Quality Standards, Work Health Safety and Privacy by:

    • Delivering onsite, bespoke education and training to support managers and Executive to understand these requirements.

    • Assisting in the drafting of policies, procedures, guides and other resources to meet these requirements.

  • Ensure readiness for external assessment or review including accreditation, unannounced visits and quality reporting by:

    • Conducting an independent audit or review of care, services, systems and processes.

    • Identifying gaps and continuous improvement opportunities.

  • Define and improve the service model or model of care by:

    • Consulting and collaborating with residents, their representatives and community members to understand what’s important to them, including their needs and preferences.

    • Designing methods to collect feedback from residents and their representatives about their outcomes and experience.

    • Analysing local data about care quality including incidents, feedback and risk registers.

Health Care

Sarah Barter works independently or collaboratively as part of a consortium to improve and innovate health care in NSW.


Her areas of interest and expertise are:

  • Integrating out of hospital care for people with chronic and complex conditions including younger people, older people and Aboriginal people.

  • Designing systems and processes to capture, understand and take action on patient and family experience, staff experience and Patient Reported Measures.

  • Consulting with key stakeholders, staff and the community in relation to health care innovation and improvement.

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